reader question of the week #3:
"I was wondering if you or any readers had any suggestions on a virtual baby shower? My friend lives in San Francisco and most of her friends are all over the States, including her mother and sister who live in Chicago. Not only do we want to shower her with some presents, we want to shower her with love! Please help! Thanks! -Cindy"
What about using skype or google video? You could still do games and see everyone.....
Or if not everyone has video access- why not host it on facebook? You could still have interaction , games, etc. Maybe have everyone send a video clip of their well wishes ahead of time so that the new mommy has something tangible as well..
I once threw a surprise bridal shower in a box. Everyone sent their wrapped gifts to me and I put them all together in a big box. On top I put a card with "instructions" not to open any further until the bride and groom were both home, ready to relax, and have fun. I also included a bottle of wine, plastic wine goblets, some chocolate treats, and wedding-themed confetti. I also included a disposable camera and a stamped envelope. The groom took photos of the bride opening each gift and mailed the camera back to me in the envelope. I got the film developed and sent copies of the pictures to all the "guests." Obviously, this was prior to digital cameras and Facebook.
Is there something that you could assemble (quilt, blanket, new baby tips or advice, prayers for baby, recipes of easy meals in the first months, homemade ABC book with photos, etc.) from all the invited guests and present to your friend? Each guest could contribute a part of something bigger that you assemble and give to her. Just an idea...Have fun! Jenn
I've done this a few times. But it's been a while. We have a shower just like normal,Minus the guest. Everyone brings the gifts unwrapped and I supply all the paper and bows. We wrap together eat, laugh, and video the whole thing. I know it sound mean, ha ha you are not here, but they actually love it. I even throw in the box any fun decorations or candy or anything that we had at the party so when they watch the disc they can feel included. Oh lastly we make a big poster that says "happy shower, we miss you". I take a photo of all of us with it and pack the photo on the top, with the poster.
you could have everyone mail her 'treasures from my city to your baby' I do this for my sister in laws that I cant make it to their baby shower ... I include the ABC chicago book, a local treat for the mommy and a little something from my favorite local children boutique in the city - - and then mail them off to her and it makes it really fun to open things that she wouldnt maybe be able to get from her town.
also love the idea of filming it - you could even start a baby shower blog just for her and have people leave well wishes, comments and even videos of themselves explaining their gifts ... and then when you get together with the mom to be you can film the get together and pop it up on the blog.
if everybody is in different cities, so they won´t be able to get together to film themselves... I suggest something I have done for friends in differents parts of the world, ask each person, to record a video making the present, packing it, telling their best wishes... and then send to you (if it is you organizing the party) everything the presents and the video, so you just have to put all the videos together, and all the presents.
I don´t know if I expressed well... but, ... I tried, I hope it helped ;)
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