Last week we bought my son a 'first words' book. It had some common words like 'car' and 'ball'- but the car didn't look like ours and the neon orange soccer ball didn't look like any we owned. So I thought it might be nice to create a first words book exclusively for him, using objects that were more familiar to him and focusing on words that he was either already trying to grasp (ball, momma) or words that would be helpful to me (milk, water).
I started with some letters I had long ago purchased at a thrift store for a dollar. I was thrilled to come up with a project for them, since they have been sitting unused in a glass jar for at least a year. I photographed the words on a white background, and then photographed the objects on a white background as well. I did most of this during Gram's naps. Then I compiled the album in iphoto (I have a Mac), and sent it off Sunday evening. The price tag was more then I wanted to pay ($28 by the time tax + shipping factored in), but I think it will be something we will hold onto for years.
If this one is a success with my little G, I'm thinking I will do a book exclusively of people in his life (his grandparents, uncles, doctor, etcetera), with the hope they will be more familiar to him- particularly the long-distance relatives.
My mom did a similar project with an alphabet book for my daughter! It is amazing to see how much faster kids catch onto words when you use objects and people they are familiar with. I love your idea and plan to steal it!
P.S. your yellow lab and my yellow lab could be twins! If I knew how to post a pic in a comment I would so that you could see her!
What a wonderful idea! I think I am going to do this for my daughter this spring.
So sweet, and so clever!
I love it! Those letters are beautiful.. What a lucky kid.. (one of the many benefits of being the son of a great graphic designer!)
this is so fabulous.
It's a great idea! My husband's parents did something similar of all the immediate family members and she LOVES that...and it really helps too!
a. maz. ing. what a great keepsake it will make, too.
This is such a great idea! I love that all of the photos and compositions are your own. It makes it so much more special. Not to mention, it looks so professional!
This is awesome.
This is an awesome idea! Love the thrifted letters!
Oh Sara, what a gorgeous little creation. You will all treasure it forever I'm sure.
ooh this is perfection! love it.
This is so great! Horray for creative mamas!
Oh my heavens- this is LOVELY!
I must try it immediately.
thanks for the idea!
that is so ridiculously cute....but how in the world do you find the time?
LOVE this!!! So fun.
that is a fantastic idea! creative and smart. :)
This is such a great idea! love it! My son is just starting to talk, so I think I may have to make him a book too!
Such a great keepsake — love the letters and simple beauty of your book. I'm not sure if it's cheaper, but you can make your books with Blurb too.
who printed it? where, url?
amazing idea! i would love to do something like this! i had thought about maybe make flashcards with my own pics, but you are right, i think you will hold on to this forever!
i am inspired.
Very good idea ... Thanks!
That is a great idea! I'm so glad you thought of it and posted it on your blog. I'm definitely going to make one. With the "free" book deals that come out every once in a while, that would be great.
I made one for my son with all of his family members holding him when he was just a few days old. I got it for free (had to pay shipping) around Christmas with a coupon code.
So gorgeous!
Okay, I am totally doing this project for my blog this month! How clever are you!? Fabulous, thanks for the inspiration!
I just went to Costco and they have all sorts of new photo options. They have a photo book that would do the same thing you did for only $18. I believe it was an 8x10 and it included 22 pages front and back, so 44 in all. That might be a better alternative for next time.
Just found your blog, and wow! I hope you don't mind people copying the idea, I think this will be a perfect first birthday present for my little boy. In 7 months...
Just found your blog! I just love this idea! I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to have to steal it =)
wow! what a cute idea!
i just love this!
also, i wanted to let you know about my jewelry line. i thought you may like it!
This would be perfect to do like this - http://www.currentlycrafting.com/2008/11/create-your-own-book.html
I have used her method and scrapblog.com to make awesome personalized books for my kids!
{this is really original!}
this is a great idea!
I would love to do something like this for gretchen when she starts to talk :)
What a clever idea....
just found you via ali e.
hi there! i'd love to chat with you about this book -- joanna_goddard (at) yahoo (dot) com. could you email me as soon as you have a moment? thank you!!! joannaxo
This project can also be done more budget friendly by printing the pics as 4x6 prints. Then you can buy an inexpensive ($2) photo "brag" book from Walmart. The front and back cover pictures can be removed from the brag book and your pics can be put in. I have done this same idea for a "My People" book for my son. He LOVES it. I want to try this idea with the cool Scrabble letters soon. Great idea!
such an adorable idea! may i mention this on my blog?
I did the cheap version of this idea when my 9 year old was about 2years old. I took regular color photos of things that mattered to him (keys, banana, phone, car) and then typed the word in a very clear readable font and put it all together in one of those freebie 4x6 little plastic photoalbums from WalMart. It was a favorite and he carried it around for a long while and learned the words!
This is so amazing! Brilliant! Thank you for sharing.
what a coincidence!
I made a tutorial on my blog explaining how to do just the same thing , 3 months ago.
For your next word book, maybe you will like to read the one I made about preparing the pictures before printing to make them more toddler friendly:
what a brilliant idea! and lovely keepsake
I love it. Thank you for the idea! :)
That is so personal and awesome. I love it, thanks for sharing!
You inspired me. Thank you. Here is my version of your masterpiece: http://vanherksen.blogspot.com/2009/04/most-recent-project-lukas-favorite.htm
I just love this idea, but am having trouble coming up with letters...I know you said your purchased them second hand, do you have any idea of where or who might have made them?
kimberlee dot nelson @ gmail.com
Hi Sarah, I'd like to write a blog post with a photo & link to your project. Do you mind? www.clevernesting.com
My son has speech delay and I've been working at finding things to help him talk. This DIY project was a great idea.
Instead of doing a book I came up with flash cards. I used objects that my son has around the house so he can recognize the objects with the word. I'm so excited to report that these flash cards are helping him learn words.
I received so much great feedback from people that I decided to sell the flash cards on my Etsy Shop:
Thanks so much for the idea!!!
Wonderful! And you don't have to make it more 'toddler friendly'. :D
Love your book idea- gorgeous. This would make a great baby present. I've got a Mac and have been using blurb.com for my books. LOVE them and they are very, very reasonable. Even had a quality issue with a hardback book and they took care of the reprinting, shipping and returns at no cost to me. (no, I don't work for them, promise) Can usually find coupons for them over at naughtycodes.com to take care of the shipping, too. All the best! Now, off to photograph my friend's family.....
what an amzing idea1 it turned out super cute!
This is a wonderful idea - I've been working on our copy for our son and it is finally finished! http://www.wanty.co.uk/2009/09/the-book-of-things.html
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing! I just finished my word book. Thanks so much, he loves it!
Cute idea. Thank you for sharing, I'll be linking up over at http://www.onthelap.org
Children always learn while playing. I remember I got such thing in gift while I was alog with my father on his business tour of incontinence supplies. Thanks for taking me back to memories.
Thank you so much for sharing this idea. Do you mind if I ask how old your son is? I have a few friends who have one year olds and I'm wondering if that's a good age for this?
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