Wednesday, February 25, 2009

worst favor ever?

A friend told me of a recent Finding Nemo-themed birthday party...the party itself was just dandy, she proclaimed- but the 'favor' they gave out at the end- were live goldfish, all individually bagged up and ready to go! She somehow got out of accepting the fish, but she said the other moms were in horror as they had to scramble to get fish food, a tank, etcetera. I'm sure the birthday mom had the best intentions when she came up with this idea, but I have to say it wins my all-time worst party favor so far! Do you guys have any other doozies?


Jennifer said...

I would have taken all the unwanted fish! lol But yeah, that is kind of a rude favor...they should have said "you don't have to take it if you don't want to".

To be honest I haven't been to a party with favors in so long, I can't remember if they were good or bad!

Anonymous said...

Which competes with the thankfully passe worst centerpiece ever: live fish. Because they're going to a "good home" at the end of the night?

Emily B said...

When I was a kid, I went to a barn-animal themed b-day party, complete with petting zoo. Our favors were baby chicks (as in chickens...yes) in Chinese takeout boxes. No joke. And my two younger sisters and I were all in attendance, which meant my mom picked us up with 3 live baby chicks to take home. We put them in a birdcage in our room for about a day. Then another kid from the party got some sort of illness from her chick, and the mom who hosted the b-day party had to call all the other moms and warn everyone that the baby chicks could be carrying a virus. I don't really know what my mom did with the baby chicks, but they were gone the next day....I'm assuming she donated them to someone with a farm. :) BAD FAVOR!

amber, theambershow said...

Oh Emily! Baby chicks :p

pink cupcake vintage said...

I am loving this post and the commentary! Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Maybe this goldfish soap in a bag would have been a better fit!

amy & lisa said...

Ya, that does not sound like a very good idea!
Favors are one of my most favorite part of a party and I sure wouldn't want something that I couldn't keep. :)

Chicks?? Oh my!

abigail @ Paper and Cake said...


in our house, we call them "24 hour gold fish"... i know its cruel, but those poor fish are sadly temporary.

by Sara Hicks Malone said...

OK- the CHICKS beat the fish! I say all live animals are OUT!

Bella said...

I got baby chicks as well in a kids party!!!
And they were pink!!!!!
I was too young (3 I think) and accidentally killed them in the pool.

Bad bad bad idea!

Jessica said...

well, I guess it could be your kid's first lesson in the circle of life...

be gifted said...

we too received our first family pet (beta fish in a plastic baggie) as a party favor almost two years ago-we thought it would last a week or so,but oh no, she is STILL HERE! funny post.

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I would demand revenge on that mother. Possibly letting the air out of her tires when she's at the grocery store with all of her kids.

Nicole Marie said...

awww i think that's kind of sweet idea!

made sweet said...

hahaha. this is too funny.

Melanie said...

Wow! I can't get over the baby chicks. Not only does giving [insert living thing here] as a party favor cause a huge inconvenience for parents, but it really cheapens the existence of this fish/chick/whatever. To me it implies that this creature is disposable, which is depressing. It's not a lesson I'd want to teach my child.

Becky said...

funny thread.

I always hate all the plastic nick-nak stuff we get. I always appreciate it when it's something more lasting -- my friend made tulle tutus for the girls and prince smocks for the boys. Perfect.

I can't believe someone would give goldfish or baby chicks! I mean serioiusly?!

Hazel Martin Designs said...

I Still have the goldfish my daughter got at a birthday party 4 YEARS AGO! I evidently got the only one that would survive after spending a $100.00 on fish stuff. Terrible party favor!

Coco Cake Land said...

egads. that is so depressing, strangely!! those little goldfish were likely flushed soon after. that's a painful lesson to teach party-going kiddies!!!