I am finally breathing a sigh of relief. For some, the party season is just beginning. For me, it feels just about over. November was a whirlwind of festivities, ending with my son's first birthday party. I had so much fun planning and throwing his party, but I must admit I am happy to be done for now!
Above are some snapshots from the big day. The photo garland was my favorite thing...a compilation of pictures from the year past-chronological from top to bottom. The color palette was inspired by the invitation, which also dictated my choice for his birthday party outfit (sweater by Gap). The favors were large balloons, with a rainbow drumstick attached...chosen because it is my son's favorite instrument from music class. I made my first ever cake from scratch (and my last ever cake from scratch), which was fine, but definitely not worth the effort. My mother-in-law helped with the non-sweet food, and my husband helped set up.
We spent quality time with good friends and good food, and were able to reflect on the year with our wonderful, exhausting, too-amazing-for-words son. We felt especially grateful this Thanksgiving season for the little +1 at our table!