I'm totally smitten with this 'rustic baby shower' from imprintables. It had me at the burlap tablecloths. Combined with the 'shinier' elements like glittered silver letters and coral-colored drinks, I find the whole set-up simply divine! More here.
Susie threw a 'magical forest dinner party' for a dear friend's birthday, with lovely results! This could easily be translated to a 'woodland fairy' party as well- check it all out at rock scissor paper.
My oh my, I guess I know what to look forward to when my son turns 5! The number of lego parties I've seen keeps growing, and they just keep getting cuter and cuter. This one from Kelly is chock full of great details....look at her clever lego bingo game, her son's name (Joey) turned into the Lego logo, and juice boxes disguised as large legos. Party perfect, indeed.
I thought the pioneer birthday I featured last month was so unique- but here is yet another pioneer birthday that I'm gaga over (again thanks to Yolanda). This one was American Girl-inspired. Check out the bread making, clothes-pin dropping and wagon riding at this awesome 8th birthday! From one charming party.
Yolanda is my (blog) eye in the sky this week and spotted two great parties I must share (thanks, Y!). First up, this adorable cowboy affair from Twig and Thistle. I love the 'stable' of horses.
If I were a celebrity, I, too, would hire Amy Atlas to design a desert table for my little ones. I don't see that happening anytime soon, so alas, I'll live vicariously through Brooke Shields (table above for her daughter, Grier). Cute. Photo by Allan Zepeda.
Darling details from Quinn's first birthday party will have you charmed! This farm-tastic feast is chock full of DIY's and inspiration...head on over to Prudent Babyfor more.
Oh my goodness. Susie outdid herself for her son, Saleem's, 6th birthday party! This soccer-themed birthday is jam-packed with ideas that could be applied to any sports-themed party. Each guest received a custom jersey with a '6' on the back, as well as a personalized sports bottle. And check out that cake! What a great party for a special little boy.
hmmm...this question veers into territory that I have not yet touched on this blog. I long ago asked a friend (ahem, Whitney) to be my etiquette lady on PP but she's one busy lady and thus, hasn't gotten around to it yet. But we'll try out this question to see how it goes and I'll decide from there if we want to go down this road in the future. Which brings me to reader question of the week #2:
"My husband and I want to throw a mother's day brunch at our apartment this year. We would like to keep it to just us and parents but here's the problem... my husband's 21-year-old sister lives at home and tags along to all family gatherings because her parents don't want to her to feel left out. I'd really like our parents to get to know each other without the sister there because her parents sometimes talk down to/treat her like a baby around others. Our parents have never had time together with just us and now that we're considering starting our own family I think time alone would be helpful. Am I crazy? I don't want to cause crazy family drama but have a nice, warm brunch for our parents. I guess my main questions is am I obligated to invite siblings if they live at home? Is there etiquette on this somewhere? -Emily"
"My girls are turning 10 in June and I'm at a loss as to what to do for them. For some reason when it comes to my boy I have plenty of ideas but ... at the moment all I have is a painting party, with a brush as the one for the cake and the finger palette as the 0 and the rest is a blur. I see mini painting easles with mini water color palettes for favors but that's it. And I don't even know if you can get mini painting palettes!!! aaaarrgghh! Could you please give me some inspiration!!? -Catherine (frazzled mother of four)"
I am a girl who likes to be pampered. I come from a mother who likes to be pampered. And I've got a feeling that my daughter is a pamperee as well.
So OF COURSE I love this 'pamper me' themed birthday with details that are so very, very cute! Maja pulled together this darling celebration for her daughter Lucia's 7th birthday. A 'spa' was set up for the girls, with robes, masks, and flip flops as favors. Looks likes Lucia and Maja are girls after my own heart.
1st birthday! I'm loving all these ladybug 1st birthdays, and I must confess- it's quite possible that I might be copying all of you come October. My little Adah was named for my grandmother Adah, who collected ladybugs- so they hold a special place in my heart. More of this cute party here.
What a cool baby shower from Brooklyn Limestone! I especially like that the host added glasses to objects around the house to honor the mama-to-be. More here. (Thanks, Whitney!)
Party Perfect is an inspirational blog dedicated to parties, entertaining, and all things fun!
I am a Nashville-based graphic designer, illustrator, designer and mom. I am a former art director for Martha Stewart Baby and Kids magazines, a former designer for Hicks Paper Goods (part of the Whitney English company), and now a designer at Minted (minted.com).