We've got a busy week with lots of reader questions. I hope you creatives can be helpful!
reader question of the week #1:
"I am pregnant with a little boy who is due the end of June. I would like to throw my 4 & 1/2 year old daughter a "Big Sister" party with a few of her close preschool friends. I was thinking of cupcakes and....but that's as far as I've gotten! I've searched online, but haven't really found anything. Any ideas you might have? Not sure if I should make it really girlie with lots of pink, or something more neutral? Thank you so much for your help! -Tricia"
first thing that popped into my head was an activity - have them decorate onesies for the new baby. then later it can be like "the baby's wearing my design today"
do you think they're old enough to potato stamp or use fabric crayons?
It might be fun to play on the idea of “big” for this party. Serve a giant sandwich that the kids (or parents) can each eat a small slice of. Use that Wilton giant cupcake pan for the cake. Get an obnoxiously large pinata. Buy a bunch of adult-sized clothes from the thrift-store and let the kids make outfits out of them. Decorate with giant balloons and poster-sized pictures of your big girl.
How about a tea party for your daughter, her friends and their baby dolls. We gave our daughter a bitty baby doll for her birthday, which was two months before her little brother arrived. Each day she came to visit him in the hospital - he gave her a small present for her "baby" doll. A little blanket, new pj's, etc.
You could serve mini food...muffins, cupcakes, bite size chocolate chip cookies and maybe have the girls make a craft for their baby dolls.
maybe this is too much for such young kids, but you could have a big sister/ big brother relay race, where the kids have to help their "little siblings" (baby dolls) through some tasks (getting dressed, making a snack, taking them for a ride on a tricycle, giving a hug)?
and perhaps invite friends that have siblings and ask their advice. make some kind of book or record of the advice for your daughters about what it is like to have a baby or a brother.
When my first sibling was born I was given a tee that read I'm The BIG Sister. I LOVED that shirt. And now I love looking back on the pics of me wearing it...complete with my early 80's bowl haircut. :)
This is such a great idea! If, or when we have a second child, I'm definitely going to do this for my daughter. I love the idea of documenting these great memories, maybe creating a video of all the things she wants to teach her little brother or do with her little brother. you can even use this as a video e-vite. I would decorate with lots of pictures of her and your belly :) I love the "big" idea also, but still having everyone bring their baby dolls so that they can play baby games. like speed diaper changing, or guess the poop (smooshed up candy bars) I think kids will get a kick out of your normal baby shower games... maybe even decorate your own baby cookie. Good luck!
Wow! Lots of good ideas on here . . . what a fun party theme!
When my daughter became a big sister, her little friend--who had become a big sister a year earlier--sent her a card that said simply, "Stay away from poopy diapers!!!" My daughter and I both got the biggest kick out of that card. I love one commenter's idea of having friends give advice--you'd probably get some good laughs and keepsakes out of soliciting everyone's input and recording it somehow.
I am currently reading "How to Get Your Child to Love Reading" by Esme Raji Codell, and I don't want to put it down. She gives book lists for almost everything, including pregnancy and becoming a sibling. The book "Baby, Come Out!" is supposed to be a pretty funny one. It might be fun to read a book or two out loud as part of the party fun.
And I am also a big fan of the "I'm a Big Sister" shirt. I actually got a necklace with my age on it (5) when my sister was born and I was pretty proud to wear it.
Another fun game might be brainstorming baby names. My daughter was totally into naming the baby when we were expecting my son. Kids your daughters age usually just end up playing together at parties, though, so leaving time for free play with dolls plus one or two little planned activities is probably plenty.
As for decorations, maybe you could ask your daughter to pick a color and then just let everything go from there and coordinate.
Have fun!
Thanks every one! What wonderful ideas you all have. I'll eventually post some pictures after we have the party!
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