Sunday, February 22, 2015

president party

I've always loved parties that celebrate a child's unique interests. Check out this birthday party for a boy who wanted a 'presidents-themed' birthday party. Indigo Bunting always knocks it out of the park!


  1. Wow this birthday party decoration is absolutly special. Very cool.
    best wishes Bianca

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  3. If you are having a pool party in your own home, there are a few more things to think about in advance. For example, identify inaccessible areas in your home and somehow convey this to the guests. No matter how you try to focus the activity of guests on the territory near the house, you most likely will not succeed. Your guests can get very hot and need to take refuge somewhere in the house, or, conversely, they will cool off in the cool water of the pool, and will look for a cozy corner to catch their breath and warm up. One solution is to bandage the “non-access” zones with beautiful ribbons - a clear sign that entry is undesirable. Just closed doors are unlikely to serve as a sufficiently clear sign. Another problem that needs to be solved is places of “public use”, and they will inevitably be needed.
