Wednesday, January 20, 2010

party submissions

Dear Readers:

Thank you for your loyal following- hard to believe I will be celebrating Party Perfect's 2nd birthday in June. What a ride it has been! I am constantly inspired by you, and love seeing the parties you've designed for yourself and loved ones. There is certainly no creativity shortage out there!

Because so many of you thoughtfully share your parties with me, I wanted to make sure I posted some guidelines for submission:

- Please send an email with either photo (.jpg) attachments or a link to hickspapergoods(at)yahoo(dot)com. Do not leave a comment on another post if you'd like me to view your party. While I moderate comments, I do not follow up on links that are provided on posts.

- The party has to be visually stimulating in order to make the cut. There are some brilliant parties I've passed on because the pictures simply don't do the great idea justice.

Some tips: photograph details in natural light before the party; minimize 'busy' backgrounds; make sure to photograph the details (favors, food, etc)- not just the people at the party; and my personal pet-peeve...don't angle your camera!...straight-on shots are best.

- Some have been concerned that we have to be 'friends' in order to have their parties posted. While I certainly feel fortunate to have several creative friends, the bulk of my posts are from people I have never met in don't be shy!

- I love to feature parties of all kinds! While the majority of submissions I get are for children's parties, I know there is a plethora of great adult parties out there as well- so submit away.

Thank you for opening your hearts, minds, and parties to me- it has been such a privilege to be a part of your lives.


images via kate spade

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