Thursday, September 3, 2009

yoga party

I'd like to believe I am able to raise children that will someday request a 'yoga' birthday party (much like my revered Frida Kahlo party), but I'm not holding my breath. Alas- I am not only applauding the creative ideas found at this 6 year-old's party but also the enlightened parenting that must have inspired this child to request such a fete! More of this peaceful celebration right here. Namaste.


  1. this is fabulous!! what creative minds and spirits!! love it. an adult yoga party would be nice also!! cute ts, whole foods, smoothies, favorite poses...

  2. I found your blog through another blog. What a wonderful idea a yoga party. I love your blog and I will be back again

  3. I think I just spent 14 hours on your blog...I adore parties and just can't get enough of all the yummy parties you linked to!

    My son is turning 1 this month and we're doing an ACE party...
