Sunday, August 9, 2009

reader question of the week #2

reader question of the week #2:

"I am throwing my husband a surprise 40th party.  He was born in Hawaii so I want to pickyback on that theme but not the overdone luau Hawaiian shindig. Have you come across something that might be a little more original and fun?  Mahalo! -Sarah"


  1. I bet if you could get some poi or other truly Hawaiian foods from an international market, he'd really appreciate it. Also, you could play some of his favorite Hawaiian music or stream KINE. have fun!

  2. I think the vintage Hawaiian theme would be better and I'm sure he'd appreciate that. You could search for vintage Hawaiian postcards or maybe get some gear from his alma mater. Hawaiians LOOOOVE their schools! You can go with a color theme that mimics the postcards or his old high school. You can have L&L Drive-Thru or some other Hawaiian restaurant cater the event- using local kine foods only if you don't know how to cook Hawaiian food fare. You can contact me if you need more ideas... we do a Hawaiian theme (different one every time) at least once a year. lol

  3. Thanks for the ideas. Party plan brewing...
