Tuesday, March 10, 2009

john derian + wayne thiebaud + maira kalman

The 'gateaux' plates by John Derian remind me of Wayne Thiebaud's iconic paintings. Mr. Thiebaud's paintings remind me of Maira Kalman's illustrated desserts. I would love to see an exhibition with this trio! From top: John Derian plates; gumballs, pie and cake paintings by Wayne Thiebaud; cake, cupcake and chocolate box illustrations by Maira Kalman.


  1. what a neat posting! so pretty and sweet.

  2. Ah! I had thought of Thiebaud but hadn't made the connection to Kalman. Fabulous, thank you.
    The dessert plates were being photographed at the gift show -- a huge display of them together. We will see where it turns up!

  3. i just read a thiebaud book and his work is fantastic!
