Wednesday, March 25, 2009

everything old is new again

Yet again- I've spotted something this week that I though was a 'new' concept, but has in fact been around for decades. A cupcake tower/cake spotted on a 1960's cookbook- who knew?


  1. I just stumbled upon your blog and LOVE every little detail. I will be a regular. Thanks for all the inspiration.

  2. I'm also new to your blog and I am loving it! I love the cover of this vintage cookbook! So NOW, even thought it's not! ;)

  3. just found your blog via jordan -- love it.

    i still don't really understand the world's current obsession with cupcakes... guess it's been around for awhile though :)

  4. FANTASTIC! Oh man, I love this.

  5. I have that cookbook! My mother received it as a wedding present 37 years ago and gave it to me when I moved into my first apartment during college.

  6. that looks like an awesome book. sarah, i'm totes jealous!
