Wednesday, January 14, 2009

the party is over...

This might be among the most alarming economy news (to me)... the doors are closing for Cottage Living and Country Home. Really, really sad news. I thought they both did an excellent job of balancing the line between traditional and modern, and always had at least a couple of stories I was interested in. (top image Country Home, bottom Cottage Living)



  1. That's so sad. I've been a suscriber to both for a long time. I'd heard about Cottage Living but not Country Home. I've noticed quite a few other magazines getting thinner and I'm wondering how much longer they'll be around. I read a lot online, but still love to read a good magazine.

  2. Not good news indeed! I am fan of Cottage Living. Sigh.

  3. i am so so sad. cottage living is one of my all-time favs.

  4. Oh, I'm very sad. My sister started getting country home and I thought Oh gag....until I looked at it. Very modern and cool.. too bad
