Thursday, January 15, 2009


this birthday party for Max, son of Jaime Rugh.

Can I list the ways I love it? For starters, that amazing mad-hat-of a chandelier-thing is amazingly cool. The colors are fab. Jaime- please do tell us more- your adoring fans want to know!

Thank you to Chelsea, for passing this beauty along!


  1. So glad you like it too! that little chandelier treatment is to die for!

  2. thanks for the post! max is very smiley so that is what we started with. my 3 yr.old girl charlie loves to decorate things so she helped with the chandelier and table. she tells me to put things in places i probably wouldn't and she tells me to use things i wouldn't- like her play necklaces! we glued felt ducks (since max can say duck) to ribbons, and other trinkets we had or found at a wonderful local shop in montclair nj called parcel. wooden number "1" and flags . . . i just wanted it to be fun, sort of organic - not too fancy and mostly made of things from our own toy sets, blocks and memory games etc.
    my husband jeffrey rugh made the birthday hat, the treats were made by our local bakery.

  3. I'd love to post some of your parties on my blog for Tuesday's "Real Parties" postings. If you added a "follow this blog" widget, I'd be #1 to sign up!!

  4. I absolutely love your blog and used ideas for our baby girl's first birthday tea party last week.

    You can see pics here:

    Thanks for all your great ideas!
