Monday, October 27, 2008

kid photos

For those of you who take fabulous pictures of your kids on a daily basis, you must share! How do you do it? What kind of camera do you use? My photos turn out just fine- and I actually think I'm doing pretty well until I see some like these. I snagged these from a friend's Facebook page. They're great- right? 

My problem is that I don't want to carry around a huge camera (been there, done that). Yes- the photos turn out with that depth-of-field I aim for, but I almost never have the camera with me (since it is such a huge pain to carry around). I have a simple, small, point & click that I love for daily use...but with my son's birthday coming up I am yearning for something more for my photos! 


  1. Yes, some one please share! I take pictures with a regular panasonic point and shoot but there's always the lighting problem etc. I never get nice shots like the ones Sara posted! And I dont want to lug a heavy weight while chasing kids, or spend that kind of money too.


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  3. I am right there with you!!!! I keep a 365 blog of my son so I take pictures every single day and it would be nice not to have to lug around the rebel. I'd like the quickness of the SLR and small enough to put in my pocket!


  4. thank you lesley!!! I will have to see if I can dig out the manual...

    in the meantime, I dragged out my old-school honker of a camera.

  5. Since it hasn't been mentioned yet, shall I dare say it...faking it in Photoshop. I admit I'm an abuser of the 'Lens Blur' and 'Lens Correction' filters to create depth of field and a subtle vignette around my images. There are a ton of great tutorials out there to help enhance your photos.

    Also wanted to add a thanks for all your party resources (used some of your links for a recent birthday party and saved money in doing so.)

  6. Hmmmm, yes. I have a similar problem. We just had a fabulous snowstorm and I got what would have been a great shot of the kids, but it's all blurry. Thanks for the comments to help us amateurs. I posted the blurry pic of my snowstorm anyway on my little blog.
