Wednesday, August 27, 2008

a Party of a different sort

In June, my great Aunt Elly passed away at the age of 94. She was revered not only in my family, but by a great deal of people. She was Michigan's first female Republican chairman in 1964, which was a huge triumph- given that she was the first woman to chair any major state political party in U.S. History. She was also the national co-chairwoman of ERAmerica, a coalition that helped in the fight to get the Equal Rights Amendment ratified. She died a registered Independent. Needless to say, she's set the bar high for women in my family. 

The passion she showed for America and our political system fuels my desire to be a part of the political process. I hope- whatever Party you're a part of, and whomever you support- that you will choose to be a part of the elections this November. I have been riveted by the Democratic Convention this week and can't wait to see the Republic Convention on the 1st. 

On that note, Plum Party has a great selection of election party goods- what better way to inspire participation and excitement then throwing a political fete? The political cookies, shown above, are among my favorite things.


  1. Thank you to your Aunt Elly and all the women who came before her and since paving the way for my 7 year old daughter to get excited about the possibility of a woman president. I have endless admiration for the woman who paved the way in political arena. I hope she passed knowing what a difference she made.

  2. Thanks P.P.! She did not have any children, but had a whole host of people that called her 'Mother.' We certainly hope she left this world knowing what a difference she made! Thanks so much for writing.
