Monday, November 23, 2009


The weekend started with a bang, as I nearly amputated part of my left index finger on Friday around midnight. I was using an exacto knife while making 'water bottle labels' for my son's birthday. Note to self: do not use a dull blade while exhausted with an infant screaming in the background! I landed myself a trip to the ER along with a really nasty looking finger. We managed to pull off the party on Saturday, however, and Gram had a blast! Sunday he became really sick which we just learned is the result of an ear infection we've been battling for a month. I will do my best to keep up with posts this week, but am not making promises as I am adapting to only being able to use 9 fingers, nursing a very sad 2 year old back to health, and taking care of a three week old. I know, however, I still have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving week!



Oh my gosh, you have a lot going on! I gashed my hand open with a circle cutter blade recently - makes you really appreciate having two working hands, doesn't it?

Enjoy your littles and the adjustment to Mom of two, the blog can wait!

autumn said...

you've got your 9 fingers full!
i still have several scars on my hands from my days in design school...
staying up way too late + dull xacto blades + mat board and foam core = lots of cuts.
I never made a trip to the emergency room though.
of course, i didn't have a screaming infant OR a toddler to take care of at the time.
happy healing!

melifaif said...

So sorry! Ouchie. Hopefully you will survive the carving knife on Thursday! Oh no..ha! Enjoy. Love the blog...

kayce hughes said...

I am so sorry! I am around all week if you need a baby holder.

Natasha said...

Oh no! You've done well even to get this post out! Hope you heal quick!

Marcy said...

That is one beautiful baby!!!