reader question of the week #2:
"I am hoping to host a party in honor of one of my favorite obscure Jewish holidays - the Day of Love. Here is a link explaining it. In Israel it has been the custom to have a party where everyone dresses in white. I think this would be buckets of fun, but I need some help with the details. I need to be fairly frugal, and not too fancy. I would like to serve white wine and cocktails (to minimize stains on white clothing). Any suggestions would be most appreciated! - Yael"
In addition to all of the great party ideas, I love how I also learn about different customs from reading Party Perfect. I loved that one, older post on how the first day of school is celebrated in Europe, and now it was cool to read about Love Day..Sorry that I don't have any advice to assist with the question however- I just want to give some love in the comments.
One of the traditions of the holiday is actually a bonfire and eating baked potatoes. Not sure exactly how this tradition relates to the day of love--but, I plan to find out. But, at least potatoes are a frugal food?
I need some more time to think about this one, but my first thought was to decorate with banners and streamers of white doilies. It's very inexpensive and en masse is really beautiful. Just fold doilies over white string or fishing line and attach.
I used doilies here, but this isn't quite what I have in mind. It may just give you a point of reference: http://pumpkinpetunia.blogspot.com/2009/04/pretty-purple-party.html. Scroll down just a bit to see the banners.
I'm excited to read more about this holiday!
I came up with these centerpieces the other day sort of with a theme like this in mind: http://thecraftbegins.com/wordpress/?p=1565
I think it would look great if the party was all white and everyone was wearing white!
I'm loving the enthusiasm for the holiday! I am very excited about it myself. I have decided to have part of the event on my patio as it is swelteringly hot right now. My friend will lend me some white lanterns, and I have lots of white sheer curtains to hang around the place. I like the doily idea, I'm going to see how I can best use them, and I love the candle centerpieces!
Here's a good question:
How can I politely ask my guests to wear white without sounding like a control freak?
from audra:
HI Sara!
I have been trying to post this comment to your blog, but it is repeatedly rejected. I thought I would send it as an email and perhaps you could forward it along. The question posted by the reader that wanted ideas for a white party:
I threw a white party in April. Found on the buffet:
herbed Parmesan dipping oil with seal salt filone
a selection of white cheeses - 7 varieties
individual white macaroni & cheese ramekins
jalapeno dip with jicama sticks
white bean dip - which really isn't white (note to self)
water crackers
cream cheese topped cucumber rounds (really a little green tint)
butter cream frosted lemon cake
a selection of white dipped candies
I used 12X12 textured card stock for a table runner and there was 3 foot round white balloons rounding out the decor.
There were 18 people and a good time was had by all!
Good luck with all the planning!
Audra Blair
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