I am slowly bouncing back from the weekend...here, (finally), is the
reader question of the week:
"Have you ever seen any stylish 'divorce' parties? It's not that I want to celebrate the divorce, but rather that I want to mark a new beginning in a stylish, creative, sophisticated way that might be suitable for adults and children. Part of the celebration will be a housewarming (in Winter), as I'm buying the house from my ex-husband. I need some inspiration and guidance about how this can be done in an uplifting and inspiring way, and not a tacky one. Hope you can help! Thanks! -Rachael"
I love this idea and hope our PP readers can help. To submit your query for reader question of the week, email me at hickspapergoods(at)yahoo(dot)com
How about naming it a "Liberation Celebration"? You could play off of that theme on the invitation, and tag the food you're serving with cute names... Independence Eggrolls, Freedom Fries, Single-Life Satay, etc. (These are just ideas off the top of my head... you do not actually need to serve eggrolls and satay ;-)
Good luck! And congratulations on your new beginning! (OOH -- New Beginning Nachos? :-)
after attending such a celebration - it was wonderful to see that the word "DIVORCE" didn't even figure into the celebration. it celebrated a New Beginning. And it was like a spring time type of party. My friend, a new "single-mom" prominently featured a brand new Family Photo of herself and Her kids. It was wonderful and didn't stoop to the kitschy and snarky aspects associated with divorce.
All the best
I love the idea of a new beginning. It could be a sort of commencement celebration, beginning with the next phase of your life. Especially if kids are involved, this could help show that you are moving forward as a family into a new phase rather than leaving or freeing yourself of their father.
If you will be changing your name, you can incorporate your new monogram into the design. Along with being pretty, the new monogram will let your family and friends know that you're changing your name. In the past, I have had to call friends while addressing christmas cards to find out how to address their card!
I would focus some more on the house warming part. Like maybe there's a room in the house you plan to redo like your bedroom. If you are repainting walls, have your guest sign the wall with a warm wish or decorating tip for the room? It will be fun to read and be surrounded by instead of old memories of that room until you can remodel.
Another idea I thought of after reading Pumpkin Petunia's response... maybe the theme could be "chapter two" or something signifying the next chapter in your life. If you like to read, that would make it even cuter :-)
A good friend of mine had a "new moon" party - the new moon for the month fell on a Saturday and we all went over for drinks and snacks and a lot of laughing and relaxation. It was a great way to celebrate her new beginning.
my mom was just telling me how her friend threw her a party when my parents divorce was finalized. they had champagne and toasted to how she was a wonderful woman -- it was almost like a birthday party. :)
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